A “Floating” Corner Wardrobe in White.
Often a simple dressing room makes a room smaller, takes up valuable space, and unnecessarily creates a crowded feeling. A corner wardrobe solves this problem in a most a elegant way.
In recent years, builders and developers have started a new trend by adding built-in dressing rooms in master bedrooms of every new apartment. Anyone who has come across this phenomenon quickly came to understand that we are not seeing dressing rooms like that of Queen Elizabeth, but instead the average dressing room is only a few meters square. Their functionality is doubtful. How did these miniature walk-in wardrobes come to be? Simple. The extra line in the apartment specifications looks more impressive as if the apartment is larger and more luxurious than it actually is.
With that, pre-planning can and must take better advantage of the available space. Here is an excellent example whereby the owners preferred to open the space and add it to the bedroom, installing a sliding, corner wardrobe. This way accessibility to its contents becomes much easier and the volume of storage increases. The room itself feels more spacious and airy.